
【What is Golden Week?】Beautiful stories from far away From Japan

2022-05-05 | TOSHI

What is Golden Week?

Now, Japan is celebrating “Golden Week,” which is a long string of Japanese national holidays. It is an important vacation for the hard workers of Japan, wheather this is good or bad.

Some might argue that the hard working culture in Japan is both good and bad.
“Golden Week” is a Japanese-made English word for the long holidays from the end of April
to May, and how long you can have your vacation depends on the individual, and on the year.
Still, it seems that this year the Golden Week will last about a week to 10 days at most.
During this Golden Week holiday, there were no restrictions on the movement of people
even during the corona virus epidemic, so my city was also very crowded.

hard work is generally regarded as a virtue,but

If you are interested in Japan, you might know that in this society hard work is generally
regarded as a virtue, and the fact that there are very few holidays, is an aspect that remains
to be changed and improved upon. I would advocate for more holidays. 
In the next article, I will introduce the good aspects of this wonderful country.
Japan is a relatively safe country. But the other day, for the first time in my life, I got a
letter from the police. (To be Continued)


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What I like best in Japan【Beautiful stories from far away From Japan】

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